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September 10, 2020 - IFPDA Foundation Announces Annual Grants and Awards for 2020
January 10, 2020 - Applications for Summer 2020 Curatorial Internship grants are now open to eligible institutions
August 30, 2019 - IFPDA Foundation Announces Annual Grants and Awards
August 1, 2019 - Tickets On Sale for the IFPDA Foundation Cocktail Benefit
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Sarah Brayer
Sarah Brayer has been interested in the possibilities of paper for decades. Recently, she has explored working in a larger scale. When she first moved to Japan, her artistic practice focused on the classic printmaking technique of woodblock, but she soon yearned to challenge herself further and commenced working in aquatint and lithography. Her work soon took a different direction when she sought to express her ideas through paper, paper that she had made herself and then expanded to composing images from the poured paper. The length, and texture of the different fibers also inspire her in her new series.
Image: Sarah Brayer, Bamboo Moon
Sarah Brayer in her studio, creating Crescent Glow, commissioned by the Print Club of New York
Sarah Brayer in her studio, creating Crescent Glow, commissioned by the Print Club of New York
Sarah Brayer
Born in Rochester, NY, the artist has made Kyoto her home since the early 1980s. She was the first to exhibit at the venerable Byodoin Temple and her dedication to her artistic practice has brought her work to the attention of museum curators and private collectors alike. In 2013, Japan's Ministry of Culture recognized her international dissemination of Japanese culture through papermaking with the prestigious Commissioner's Award.
The Tolman Collection of Tokyo can be reached at:
phone: +1.212.489.7696
email: [email protected]
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