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September 10, 2020 - IFPDA Foundation Announces Annual Grants and Awards for 2020
January 10, 2020 - Applications for Summer 2020 Curatorial Internship grants are now open to eligible institutions
August 30, 2019 - IFPDA Foundation Announces Annual Grants and Awards
August 1, 2019 - Tickets On Sale for the IFPDA Foundation Cocktail Benefit
Danielle Orchard: Head of a Woman
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Painter Danielle Orchard explored collaborative printmaking during an extended residency at Tamarind Institute in 2019. Her work advances the forms of twentieth-century modernism with the mood of twenty-first-century narratives. She purposefully complicates the figures of Picasso, Matisse, Bonnard, and Vuillard with her own autobiography and a decidedly contemporary perspective. Orchard maintains a consistent interest in the figure and what she recognizes as the “anxiety around intimacy” by pulling from moments in art history when the human figure has been used to indicate an “otherwise hidden psychological position.” Her figures occupy the space fully, as monumental forms, with evidence of a pensive mood or defiant attitude reflected in the symbolic devices of cigarettes, wine glasses, and sympathetic tulips that Orchard utilizes to suggest an emotive state. Her complex imagery locates a place in the middle, where art history turns back upon itself to reflect our contemporary cultural moment.
Image: Danielle Orchard, Smile More

My interest and pleasure in abstracting, cutting up, rearranging, flattening and cubistically arranging heads of women coincides very much with Picasso’s. But one major difference is that each time I approach the subject, I’m bringing some degree of autobiography to it. And so my work hovers somewhere in the ambiguous space between self-effacement and rebirth.
-Danielle Orchard

Danielle Orchard at Tamarind, 2019

Tamarind Apprentice Printer Jake Ingram with Danielle Orchard, 2019

Danielle Orchard at Tamarind, 2019
Danielle Orchard
Painter Danielle Orchard advances the forms of twentieth-century modernism and the mood of twenty-first-century narratives. She holds an MFA from Hunter College and is represented by Jack Hanley Gallery in New York City. Recent exhibitions include ""Pack Den Badeanzug Ein"" at Galerie Kornfeld, ""A Little Louder, Love"" at Jack Hanley Gallery, ""Embodiment"" at D.C. Moore Gallery, and ""Fauve"" at Geoffrey Young Gallery.
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